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Deciding to conduct an infidelity investigation to determine if your spouse is cheating is an emotional event. You need an experienced investigator to get the job done right the first time. Often, the evidence obtained is not used in a court of law but nonetheless provides answers to difficult questions that can affect your family in profound ways. Matrimonial investigations require a thoughtful and insightful approach. Our experienced private detectives are your source for truthful information. 



Our trained investigators and consultants include retired law enforcement agents who have decades of experience conducting criminal investigations. Their knowledge of the law and how a criminal investigation is conducted can be instrumental in resolving a criminal case to the benefit of our clients.



You have obtained a large judgment against a debtor; how do you collect your money?

You are planning on going into business with a partner; how do you find out if they have “financial skeletons” in their closets?

You are contemplating expensive litigation against an adversary but how do you know if the defendant has assets that can be attached?

Your former spouse owes you child support; how can you find their assets?


These are some of the questions we provide clients answers to on a daily basis. Whatever your situation, the principals at CJ Investigations have been providing their clients with expert asset and liability searches for years.




Insurance fraud costs Americans millions of dollars each year in higher insurance rates. People fake injuries and it's on your dime. We obtain information on the subject through surveillance and background searches to uncover that they are not injured and even they may be working getting paid under the table. Your employees know the ins and outs of your business. They know how to steal and stash goods where you won't miss it. Employees may even work with your competitors to gain more money on the side.



To see the future of a potential business relationship, you need to examine the past. If you are partnering with another business entity or if you are an investor who will provide funding to an individual, a new business venture or existing business, it is imperative that due diligence be conducted on the principals and business in question. 



We provide and perform quality and covert video along with detailed reports. We conduct covert surveillance at Medical Appointments, IME’s, doctors, workers comp, court hearings. We utilize the latest state-of-the-art digital video and digital still cameras to document evidence that will successfully meet your needs. We have conducted hundreds of successful video-surveillance operations. There is no job that is too difficult and there is no subject that is too elusive for our investigators. Even if another agency has unsuccessfully met your objectives; we are confident that we can get the job done! We will provide a solution to any difficult situation. We make it our goal to conduct all surveillance investigations in a discreet and inconspicuous fashion.

Accident Report Review & Investigations
Alimony & Co-habitation
Asset Checks/Financial
Background Investigations
Bug Detection

Civil and Criminal Investigations

Cohabitation Investigations
Domestic Infidelity Investigations
DWI Case Review Investigations
Employee Background Checks

GPS Tracking Services

Insurance Fraud Investigations
Investigating your Child
Locate Missing Persons
Personal Injury Investigations


Process Service
Public Record Search Investigations
Surveillance Investigations
Trial/Litigation Support
Witness Interviews/Written Statements




It's not the duty of the court to investigative your suspicion that the your ex is co-habitating with someone. It is your responsibility to prove your suspicions to the court. The good news is that you do not need to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. The standard is- preponderance of the evidence which merely means that if you show that it is more likely than not then you have proven your case. 


It is important to build a solid case because you will only have one chance in court; if you fail to prove your case because the case was not build soundly then you dramatically diminish your credibility with the courts and a favorable future outcome is slim. An agency that specializes in such cases is the key ingredient needed for success in these types of cases; the next important ingredient is patience.


In some cases, proof of cohabitation can be a sufficient ground to reduce or terminate alimony. By way of surveillance and other investigative means, BLI can determine whether your ex-spouse has established a common residence with a new partner and is benefitting economically from the relationship.

CJ Investigations

®2015 CJ Investigations, LLC

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